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            Arup's first order after BIM mandatory for German traffic engineering project
            Release time:2016-1-24 17:31:52      The number of clicks:865

            Arup, a global engineering consulting firm, is participating as a consultant in a new German rail transit tunnel project, which is also Arup's new BIM project. A few days ago, the company announced some details of the project.

            The project, called Rastatt Tunnel, is located in Rastatt, Germany. The tunnel is 4.270 meters long and construction will begin in the spring. Deutsche Bahn has appointed ARUP to assist them in their work, saying their participation is "important."

            For Deutsche Bahn, planning using BIM and advanced visualization techniques are a relatively new method of work. Arup noted that their experience in this area means they are "valuable." Their customers also agree:

            "With BIM technology, Arup has participated in and supervised many international infrastructure projects, which allows us to fully benefit from this project experience. They have already made an important contribution to the future success of the project." Sascha Bjorn Klar, large project manager.

            It is reported that the excavation plan started a few months later and the track line was located 20 meters underground, so the impact of noise on the lives of citizens living in the project area was minimized. The tunnel will also pass under the Murg riverbed to reduce its environmental impact.

            The news comes after a related statement from German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt last month. Alexander said that starting in 2020, Germany will enforce the use of BIM in all transportation projects.

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