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            Your position:Home - News - Industry News
            Undertake the construction of the coal warehouse grid frame project of Boyuan Company
            Release time:2020-3-18 14:54:32      The number of clicks:886

            Boyuan New Energy Co., Ltd. plans to build a modern coal recycling economy industrial park with “centralized layout, functional integration, intensive operation, and environmental protection” in the Miaoliang Coal Comprehensive Logistics Industrial Park in Xinghe County, Ulan Qab City, Inner Mongolia to implement coal storage and distribution. A series of projects such as deep processing, resource utilization of by-products, etc., realize the circular development and utilization of coal and its downstream products, and become an important demonstration base of circular economy industry development in the autonomous region.

            Xinghe County, where the project is located, is located in the southeast of Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia. It borders Hebei Province and Shanxi Province. It is adjacent to Zhangjiakou, the capital's gateway in the east, Hohhot in the west, Datong City in the south, and Mongolia in the north. Important international routes to Mongolia, Russia and Eastern Europe. Xinghe County is adjacent to the three major coal bases of Ordos, Datong, and Xilinguole. It is located in the area where Jin coal and quasi-coal foreign transport meet, and it is the only place where Mengxi Coal will be transported to the east. The park is located at the intersection of the two major coal transportation corridors of the Zhangzhang Railway and Zhunxing Heavy-duty Highway. It is also surrounded by the Xingfeng Highway, the G6 (Beijing-Tibet) Expressway, the 110 National Road, and the G7 (Beijing-New) Expressway, which is under construction, Local railways, etc.

            The total construction scale of this project is 24.00 Mt / a, and the construction scale is 18.00 Mt / a. According to the development idea of “unified planning, phased implementation, and gradual arrival”, the construction scale in the first phase is 18.00Mt / a. It mainly includes railway and highway truck unloading transfer and storage system, digital coal blending system, railway rapid quantitative loading system, automobile transportation system, supply coal conveyor system of Hongxing Power Plant and Hongda Power Plant, and supporting production auxiliary facilities. The main coal types are non-stick coal and lignite.

            The raw coal required for the project is a combination of public and railway transportation, of which: the project has a closed train coal storage yard and a closed automobile coal storage yard. The types of coal stored in storage and distribution sites are mainly non-sticky coal (or weakly sticky coal) and lignite. Among them, non-sticky coal (or weakly sticky coal) is divided into several categories according to the amount of heat and sulfur. Coal storage is managed on a stack-by-stack basis.

            The project is divided into two closed coal storage yards for cars and trains. Each coal storage yard has 4 stacking sites with a total coal storage capacity of 160,000 tons. The volume is 360,000 tons.

            The equipment of this tender mainly includes the fixed end of the two coal storage yards on the east side and the expansion end on the west side. The two coal storage yards have a plane size of 60m × 344m (net size), and both coal storage yards have a net height of about 25m.

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